GL15 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GL15 4 is a postcode sector in Forest of Dean, UK. Below is a complete list of GL15 4 Postcodes (Active). GL15 4 postcode sector comprises of 237 active postcodes. GL15 4 sector has a population of 5444, and it has 2264 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GL15 4 postcode sector

GL15 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5444
Addresses / Property Count 2264
Active Postcodes 237
Nearby Postcode Districts 26
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of GL15 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 237 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GL15 4AA 51.76022900 -2.47259400 37 104 367479 206944
GL15 4AB 51.76254500 -2.47363200 12 29 367409 207202
GL15 4AD 51.76392200 -2.47325500 2 8 367436 207355
GL15 4AE 51.77156000 -2.47195800 13 26 367531 208204
GL15 4AF 51.77665600 -2.48370800 7 15 366724 208776
GL15 4AG 51.77674100 -2.46694000 3 5 367881 208778
GL15 4AH 51.76336100 -2.48503000 2 4 366623 207298
GL15 4AJ 51.77109700 -2.48537400 33 74 366605 208159
GL15 4AL 51.77579100 -2.48617800 2 6 366553 208681
GL15 4AN 51.77667700 -2.48930300 2 8 366338 208781
GL15 4AP 51.76678100 -2.48324100 2 3 366749 207678
GL15 4AQ 51.77362500 -2.46137100 8 16 368263 208429
GL15 4AR 51.75198500 -2.48461900 2 7 366643 206033
GL15 4AS 51.75038800 -2.47586600 5 12 367246 205851
GL15 4AT 51.74954300 -2.47271400 4 13 367463 205756
GL15 4AU 51.74725900 -2.46605600 7 20 367921 205499
GL15 4AW 51.77741000 -2.49263100 19 45 366109 208864
GL15 4AX 51.74675700 -2.47348100 14 31 367408 205446
GL15 4AY 51.75023200 -2.46565200 6 17 367951 205829
GL15 4AZ 51.76206800 -2.48148100 3 4 366867 207153
GL15 4BA 51.77596700 -2.47307700 1 4 367457 208695
GL15 4BE 51.75902900 -2.47937700 N/A N/A 367010 206814
GL15 4BG 51.76032200 -2.48298300 10 23 366762 206959
GL15 4BH 51.76083700 -2.48223500 17 44 366814 207016
GL15 4BJ 51.76083700 -2.48569900 11 28 366575 207018
GL15 4BL 51.75971000 -2.48732300 17 42 366462 206893
GL15 4BN 51.76308900 -2.48770700 16 38 366438 207269
GL15 4BQ 51.73359100 -2.51377400 N/A N/A 364616 204001
GL15 4BS 51.76233800 -2.49314700 20 50 366062 207188
GL15 4BT 51.76230900 -2.49153900 18 38 366173 207184
GL15 4BU 51.73217600 -2.51435100 N/A N/A 364575 203843
GL15 4BW 51.76609900 -2.48832000 3 8 366398 207604
GL15 4BX 51.73273000 -2.51527000 N/A N/A 364512 203906
GL15 4BY 51.73322000 -2.51618800 N/A N/A 364449 203960
GL15 4BZ 51.73382400 -2.51599200 N/A N/A 364463 204028
GL15 4DA 51.75854200 -2.48277600 8 13 366775 206761
GL15 4DB 51.75683800 -2.48503300 9 21 366618 206572
GL15 4DD 51.75898100 -2.48753300 13 31 366447 206812
GL15 4DE 51.76015900 -2.48967500 13 33 366300 206944
GL15 4DF 51.76039400 -2.49153200 13 26 366172 206971
GL15 4DG 51.76105800 -2.49393000 11 27 366007 207046
GL15 4DH 51.75930300 -2.49008600 18 39 366271 206849
GL15 4DJ 51.76025900 -2.47975200 4 8 366985 206951
GL15 4DP 51.76077900 -2.47665600 4 11 367199 207007
GL15 4DQ 51.76075700 -2.49727400 13 36 365776 207014
GL15 4DR 51.76110000 -2.47634100 6 14 367221 207043
GL15 4DS 51.76185500 -2.47645100 1 15 367214 207127
GL15 4DT 51.76270300 -2.47670600 18 48 367197 207221
GL15 4DU 51.76346500 -2.47719200 61 127 367164 207306
GL15 4DW 51.76105900 -2.47868800 15 37 367059 207039
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